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Who We Are

Who We Are

Wayne Conrad,(Wanconradatyahoo.com or ), a preacher-teacher of the Bible, who has pastored, published a religious column in a local community newspaper, and spoken on weekly and daily radio broadcast. He has experience in evanglistic meetings and has taught at a Bible Institute.Wayne conducts teaching mission and preaching sessions. He has extensive graduate training in theology and psychology and holds an MA from Criswell College and Seminary.He is also an ESL instructor. His passion is to see people growing in their knowledge of God so that they will be passionate worshippers of the living and true God. Contact him for speaking engagements or available published material or preaching tapes on a donation basis.

Jeff Gregory is currently pastor of Faith Community Church in east Dallas and an ESL instructor in a community college. He is a native of Texas and a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary (1990). You can e-mail him at Jeffwayneatjuno.com

Wayne in northeast India.

Pastor Jeff Gregory

Grace and truth came through Jesus Christ!

Spirit, Truth and Grace Ministry + Dallas, TX 75228